VOLUNTARIO 2020-2021
By making your tax-deductible donation to the Kromrey PTO, we can continue to provide our school community with wonderful enrichment opportunities and supplies.
This year we have opted to use the payment platform Zeffy for online credit card donations. Unlike paypal and other platforms, Zeffy never charges nonprofits direct fees, but instead relies on donations from donors to keep the service free to nonprofits. Please consider adding a small donation to Zeffy when you donate to us - think of it as leaving a tip for the service provided.
Donate Kromrey Wishlist Items
Our PTO Student Resource Team has updated our KMS Amazon Wish list. Please do consider buying items (which are delivered directly to the school) from the Wish list to make sure all students have the supplies they need this school year. Thank you!

Donate with Paypal
If you prefer to donate via Paypal (which will incur a ~2.9% fee) you can still do so below by clicking the button below. You do not need a paypal account to do so.

VOLUNTARIO 2020-2021
Literacy Experiences
Artist in Residence
Young Playwrights for Change
Visiting authors
8th Grade Science & Engineering Project
Circuit Playground
Breakout EDU
WSMA dues for band, orchestra & choir
Owl Pellets
Outdoor Garden
School Spirit
Cougar Costume
"Be Kromrey" Student Group
- Sports
Per Teacher Request classroom Project
Eighth Grade Celebration
Fifth Grade Welcome Event
Staff Appreciation Events
Incentive awards at school assemblies
"Be Kromrey" incentives
Web Leader Celebration
ACCESS recognition
Cougar Community Connections
Poetry Slam
Book Fairs
Fun Run