Hello from the Kromrey PTO,
This is teacher appreciation week and we are encouraging all our parents and students to give the gift of gratitude to your teachers!
Please take a moment to say "thank you"! Send an email. Make a brief video. Write a poem. Whatever inspires you to take action to show appreciation. We (the kids and parents) see how hard the teachers are working to make online learning as effective as possible.
We know it's a brave new world for everyone and we're all in uncharted territory. Teachers, students, and parents all experimenting with new technologies, new curriculum, and new ways of staying connected with each other.
We appreciate all the creative ways that our teachers are helping students do their best work under challenging circumstances.
All the best,
The Kromrey PTO team
This email was sent on May 4, 2020 to Kromrey Families who are subscribed to receive PTO information.
Staff Appreciation Week - May 4-8, 2020
You are invited to help show appreciation to the Kromrey Staff for their dedication, hard work, and passion for teaching from May 4 through May 8. Please use these daily activities as suggestions of how to express your gratitude. Thank you!
Make a “thank you” sign. Take a photo of yourself holding the sign. Email the photo to your teachers!
Use sidewalk chalk to thank your teachers and show your Kromrey Cougar Pride! If you don’t have sidewalk chalk, hang a teacher appreciation sign in your window! Make your own sign or use this printable sign.
Email your teachers to share a favorite memory from this year.
Write a poem for your teachers. If you’d like, make it rhyme, it only takes a little time!
Take a photo of yourself reading, writing, playing music or doing art. Share the photo with your teachers!
The Kromrey PTO sincerely thanks the Kromrey staff for their commitment and constant support of our students!